Love is my life. I believe life without love is meaningless. Live. Life. Love. Atashi ai anata~
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My Little Maltese-lorh... sighhhh~
Yesterday I bought about 40 bucks doggie stuffs because my maltese (Wynnie) got so many "kutu"s... OMG! Even after I brought her to the vet twice for the tick injection, it came back! Those little evil piece of shats just won't leave her alone. So, yesterday I went to the pet shop with my honey, but the shop looked so expensive. I didn't dare enter because I was afraid that a bottle of shampoo will cost about a hundred bucks. But my honey insisted we go look for the stuffs and go home, so I went in. I have never expected that a shop like this would ever exist in my "kampung-y" town... There are dog perfumes too! Dogs these days live a luxurious life, i tell you... And the price was cheaper than the pet shop near my place (the pet shop was dirty and shabby and smells like poop!).
The time I got home was the time to get busy. My honey cut off her fur (she looked so sad to lose her fur) and sprayed the tick medicine on her. After an hour, those evil "kutu"s started dropping off... OMG!!So freaking disguisting, feel so "geli"... I wonder why they exist, they have NO purpose at all!!!! I had to use the cellophane tape to catch those disguisthing little piece of shat... So so soooooooo many of them... After I cellophane them... HEHEHEHE!! (evil laughter) I use a roller to squish them and there were lots of popping sound... I even had goosebumps while catching those things. Yuck!!
I can see the results today, the amount of "kutu" on Wynnie is like 0.01%, so I put the tick collar on her, and she is happier today... So cute...
Oh, honey cut her hair so uneven and short that she looked so cute...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Darn! Life is good!
Recently, I realized that I am very lucky. My sister who was married 10years ago and has 3 children now, yet, I am her baby sister. Just the other day when we were having our dinner, she took a piece of fish, scraped off the skin and pick bones out( I hate fish skin and always choke on fish bones... I wonder why...). And there's my brother who always pushes me to the limit, hoping I will do better in everything he does. He offered me his company car and he himself would take that piece of junk ( It is a "wira" and it has been overhauled, but now it moves slower than walking - I have been overtaken by two fatsos on a motorcycle driving that piece of rusted metal!!!!! #%@%&%#%@#!!!!). Yarh, khor! I know I am lucky to have a car, I am not complaining either... Anyway, I have my whole family treating me like a baby until now. My dad even feeds me until now. And mum buys me anything and everything I want that she could afford. Wow... life is good... (^^,)
And then there's this special person who treats me so so so good that he would swallow his pride and withstand my nonsensical nonsense... My boyfriend of 2 years ( Well, almost 2 years). I wonder what would I do if I do not have him. Whenever he comes to my house, he would wash and hang my clothes, wash my overnight dishes and cooks for me (although me always burn those crabsticks). He of most people I love, treats me like a baby the most. Yeah... I have a good life... Muahahahaha!!!

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