Monday, July 27, 2009

My-Bl**dy-Own Cinema

I went for "Hairy Butty and the Half Bird Prince" last week in X cinema. Well, it is the only luxurious cinema in my undeveloped village. It has shiny floors and sparkly floors. And it is not as crowded as T cinema. So I don't have to worry about getting pig coughs or flu. But then...
the woman at the soda & popcorn counter has an attitude.

Max : Iced Lemon Tea, please...
Woman : nah! *puts a bottle of lemon tea on the counter*
Max : You only have bottled iced lemon tea...??
Woman : yah!
Max : Then, I'd like a 100 plus, please...
Woman : *roll eyes*

this kind of people working in the service industry... there's only one word to describe...

And the worst part is the seat... - rubbish-
don't believe?
see......!!! (but at least they have a little manners)

can't believe I paid (actually Max paid) 9 bucks per person for this kind of seat!
#abcde@*@edcba#!!!! XD

Monday, July 13, 2009

ACC-ZOMFG class 10-2?

I posted about my lecturer who was from India awhile ago, he was actually from Nepal (found out recently).
Apparently, his accent was not the only problem, he has troubles with figures too... sigh~

This is what I learned the second day of his class...

this was what he wrote

this is what it meant

and then...
he told us that in Nepal, nodding your head would mean no, shaking your head from left to right would mean yes, so, the answer is yes or no? and all of us were like...

Last but not least...
Mr.X : So, how many correct answers are there? TWO right?
(and show this...)'s tough concentrating in his class... sigh~~

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Baby Wynnie...

These two days were the worst days of my life. Around 5pm on saturday (04/06/09) dad called me saying Wynnie did not move when he called her. Then we brought her to the veterinary. I cried my eyes out on the way there. She was complaining and in such a pain. But she held on. I love her so much... The vet told me, she was having birth complications. And he had to perform a caesarean immediately. I was standing outside the room waiting and waiting until the operation was over. My heart ached so badly. She was just like my own baby. AND she still is.

But the next morning, the doctor called and she did not make it. I was crying and crying for hours. Until Max brought her body home, I cried like mad and my eyes swell that it was difficult for me to open my eyes. I really love her. She was not just a dog. She's my baby. I should have brought her home after the operation, but i just thought she would be in better care in the clinic. I hate myself for not bringing her home. She probably thought I did not want her anymore. I would always want her, would always love her. Feel like something is stuck in my throat while holding back the tears when I am writing this. We buried her behind my house. Kept hoping in someway, she can come back to me. Just hope that if there is any mystical or magical creature who can hear my pleas, please bring her back to me. My Wynnie...............

Wynnie enjoying the air-con from the slit of the door

Wynnie loves the Ogawa

Friday, July 3, 2009

ACCA class 101

My lecturer was from India. And this is his first class. He has this thick Indian accent which was so difficult for me to understand, because I can't speak Tamil or Hindi. So, it was tough to concentrate. So here goes a little summary of my first day in class.

Mr. X : God mourning, class. Todai we start the acconting class.
Wad dis acconting? In da 13th sentoory, it wus called "a conter". It means to con. So,
acconting means to con.
Translation: Good morning class. Today we start the accounting class.
What is accounting? In the 13th century, it was called "a counter". It means to count.
So, accounting means to count.

Mr. X : Wad dis cost acconting? It's maney inveasted in gods or sarvices. Like whan you pay for
da ood to maak a parnitor...
Translation:What is cost accounting? It's money invested in goods or services. Like when you pay for the wood to make furniture...

African-American student : .........................
Translation: Sir, I do not understand you. Can you please jot it down?

It was like that for THREE hours!!! Omg!!!

And the lecturer could not pronounce the letter "F" and he goes like, " So, da answer is pixed(fixed) cost, correct? "

Since he can't pronounce the letter "F", so, I guess when he has to scold people, it'll be...