Tuesday, December 1, 2009

College student duped into having sex/ Freaking alarm clock

And for today's most viewed news......  
(click on the link below to read)

College student duped into having sex with ‘medium’

Seriously?? I...am...so...speechless...... I mean, a college student? And yet so...erm...how should I put this...erm... SO EFFING STUUUUUUUUUPID????!!!! watterf... I can understand if she was mentally impaired or "slow"...but a college student??? come on...

She should have realized it was a scam the moment she was asked to strip, right? I mean...COMMON SENSE!!! omfg...

See...this is why I don't believe in these "mediums" crap... If you so desperately need help to get rid of bad luck, you should have just soak yourself in a tub of water filled with barley leaves...



Recently I have been leading a healthy life, waking up at 7.30am or so. And every morning, my neighbor's kid must...must... MUST EFFING CRY!!!!!! Imagine you have to wake up and hear it every morning, even when you are doing your business halfway and then you got so irritated that your $#!T goes back in your @$$...(okay, I exaggerated...watev)

But the point is, it is so EFFING IRRITATING!!!! And NO!!! HE IS NOT A BABY!!! He might be in pre-elementary but DEFINITELY NOT A BABY!!!(well, unless he is an overgrown baby)

And it does not last for a few minutes but almost half an hour or sometimes an hour!
E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y!!!!!! watterf...

Just like a broken alarm clock, so freaking loud but has no snooze button and never on time. @@#%@@^%*^(&%*^$&%#^$@$