Friday, July 3, 2009

ACCA class 101

My lecturer was from India. And this is his first class. He has this thick Indian accent which was so difficult for me to understand, because I can't speak Tamil or Hindi. So, it was tough to concentrate. So here goes a little summary of my first day in class.

Mr. X : God mourning, class. Todai we start the acconting class.
Wad dis acconting? In da 13th sentoory, it wus called "a conter". It means to con. So,
acconting means to con.
Translation: Good morning class. Today we start the accounting class.
What is accounting? In the 13th century, it was called "a counter". It means to count.
So, accounting means to count.

Mr. X : Wad dis cost acconting? It's maney inveasted in gods or sarvices. Like whan you pay for
da ood to maak a parnitor...
Translation:What is cost accounting? It's money invested in goods or services. Like when you pay for the wood to make furniture...

African-American student : .........................
Translation: Sir, I do not understand you. Can you please jot it down?

It was like that for THREE hours!!! Omg!!!

And the lecturer could not pronounce the letter "F" and he goes like, " So, da answer is pixed(fixed) cost, correct? "

Since he can't pronounce the letter "F", so, I guess when he has to scold people, it'll be...


1 comment:

Yau Jaiden said...

omg.... whatever happened to 'All About Love'??? haha... i am glad you got an indian lecturer rather than an Iranian lecturer....