Tuesday, December 1, 2009

College student duped into having sex/ Freaking alarm clock

And for today's most viewed news......  
(click on the link below to read)

College student duped into having sex with ‘medium’

Seriously?? I...am...so...speechless...... I mean, a college student? And yet so...erm...how should I put this...erm... SO EFFING STUUUUUUUUUPID????!!!! watterf... I can understand if she was mentally impaired or "slow"...but a college student??? come on...

She should have realized it was a scam the moment she was asked to strip, right? I mean...COMMON SENSE!!! omfg...

See...this is why I don't believe in these "mediums" crap... If you so desperately need help to get rid of bad luck, you should have just soak yourself in a tub of water filled with barley leaves...



Recently I have been leading a healthy life, waking up at 7.30am or so. And every morning, my neighbor's kid must...must... MUST EFFING CRY!!!!!! Imagine you have to wake up and hear it every morning, even when you are doing your business halfway and then you got so irritated that your $#!T goes back in your @$$...(okay, I exaggerated...watev)

But the point is, it is so EFFING IRRITATING!!!! And NO!!! HE IS NOT A BABY!!! He might be in pre-elementary but DEFINITELY NOT A BABY!!!(well, unless he is an overgrown baby)

And it does not last for a few minutes but almost half an hour or sometimes an hour!
E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y!!!!!! watterf...

Just like a broken alarm clock, so freaking loud but has no snooze button and never on time. @@#%@@^%*^(&%*^$&%#^$@$

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Motto Omiyage

Motto Omiyage means more souvenirs...

 ~ cute cover for cups ~

And I had one of the best chocolate drink. It is not sweet at all unlike other chocolate drinks which consists of 99% sugar... This was thick but really smooth. It feels like a piece of chocolate melting in your mouth. So so so so aromatic. Full of chocolate flavor. sigh~~~ I already finished the one and only one bottle. *sad*

Bernachon Chocolate(don't ask what Bernachon is because I don't know)

It is so nice, I just have to share it.
*If any of you going to Taiwan, please buy for me, okay? I already share this with you mahhhh...*

Other souvenirs are not really special and can be bought here.

The Bernachon Chocolate website is www.weichuan.com.tw (If you are interested to know more)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Omiyage ~

*Omiyage means souvenirs in Japanese*

These are the pictures of my omiyages(from Taiwan).

Seafood & Beef Noodles in a cup - or bowl
(I'm an instant noodle junkie)

chips!!! In a cup(like cup noodles)

 Mixed Shizz(chocolates, milk & yogurt sweets, etc.)

Hershey's!!!!!!!!(Need to say more??)

Last but not least, POCKY!!! I LOVE POCKY POCKY, I LOVE POCKY!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Easy Lazy Spaghetti

{For those who can't cook}

This post is dedicated to Kuet Tai who is a friend and a loyal reader of ALL ABOUT LOVE.
This is called Easy Lazy Spaghetti because it is super easy, super fast and...well, you get my point.

1 packet regular spaghetti (you can also use angel hair spaghetti)
1 regular bottle of pasta sauce
4 regular onions {diced}

4 cloves of garlic {chopped}

Approximately 300 grams minced pork(or beef or chicken, whatever you like)
300 grams of ham and/or sausages {sliced}

1 can of button mushrooms {sliced}

1.  Boil a pot of water and pour a little oil in the pot.

2.  Put spaghetti in the pot of boiling water.

(This image is from wikipedia)


3.  Wash, chop, cut and do whatever you need to do.
3.  Heat the frying pan and put in a chunk of butter.
5.  Fry the chopped garlic until aromatic.
6.  Put in the minced pork and cook until minced pork is a little brown and aromatic.
7.  Put in the diced onions until the onions look almost transparent but not soft.
8.  Put everything else in.
9.  Fry a little.
10.Pour pasta sauce in the pan.

11.Let it simmer. (Optional : Add a slice or two of Kraft's cheese in the sauce)

12.Check on the spaghetti. If it is ready, you can break it using a pair of chopstick.
13.Drain the spaghetti, cool over cold water and put loads of butter on the spaghetti and mix.

Serve. (Optional : Add mozzarella and/or cheese on the gravy)

It is actually very easy and you can alter the recipe and/or add any other ingredients you like.

Why put oil in the water to boil?
So that the spaghetti won't stick together.

Why cool the spaghetti over cold water after draining?
So that it is more "bouncy" and nice.

Oh, why post something so easy to prepare?
As I have mention, FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T COOK! GEDDIT????!!!!

If you don't want to follow my recipe, I don't care.

nice not?(okay, it looks like crap but it taste yummy)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The List of Stupid People

Sometimes I wonder, how did so many stupid people appear at the face of this earth?
Are they breeding in a secret sanctum? Is it one of the terrorist alien's scheme to take over the world?
What is going on in their head?
Do they have brains like us human beings or do they have cotton candy in their skulls instead?

Let me give you a list of locations you can find these...cotton candied brain sapiens...

     1. Location : Parking lot.
      • Stupid A parks his Proton Saga in two parking lots. ONE Saga for TWO parking lots. And that place happens to be a busy place, and it is quite difficult to find a parking.
      2. Location : Shopping Mall
        • Stupid B pushes her trolley over my feet, without saying "excuse me" nor giving an apology. Stupid B's husband who obviously was the civilized, educated one, apologized on his dumb wife's action(who was obviously in a hurry to fight over cheap rejected goods).
        3. Location : KTM (Commuter)
          • Stupid C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J blocks the commuter exit. Even after a lady with her son said "Excuse me?" a couple of times, stupid C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J was to stupid to understand or give way. Until one of the stupid sapien stepped on the boy, and the boy started screaming,then and only then did those stupid sapiens gave way. 
          • Stupid K brings little daughter on the commuter wearing skimpy clothes and high heels(I'm not against the idea of sexy mama but...you should read on first). Stupid K's daughter vomited milk, and she did not even have a handkerchief or towel. While I handed her a whole packet of tissue, her daughter continued vomiting. And people on the left and right of stupid K jumped from their seats and stood 2 metres away from the crime scene.
          4. Location : Bus
            • Stupid L talks on the phone ever so loudly about studying ACCA(So proud to be a student of ACCA, huh?) and having to re-take them TWICE! Why?? Why?? Why tell the whole world  bus you failed? TWICE!
            • Stupid M coughs with his big fat mouth open in every direction and saliva kept spewing out the whole one hour journey. It was like a non-stop remix.
            5. Location : School
              • Stupid N works in the school office, and he made me wait 25 minutes to take ONE certificate. When one of the teachers saw me, she asked where is the clerk because there is a student(me) waiting for her certificate. That #@$^&^#&%@ stupid idiot was hiding behind the door the whole time chatting away with his colleague. And his colleague, Stupid O told me to keep waiting until he returned to his desk without telling me that he was hiding there the whole time!
              As you can see, I meet a lot of stupid people everyday. Sometimes I wonder, if it was true that humans evolved from a chimpanzee, then they probably evolved right until...

              Thursday, October 1, 2009

              Facebook = Temptation

              I, Charmaine Lee, vowed to never again log into Facebook.com(well, maybe I will log in after exams, which is in another 3 months).

              I started using facebook(FB) because Max had one. I wanted to know what was it about. Later I was sucked into the applications. I played games which are so lame that even Tetris is more exciting.

              After a long preaching I received from Max...sigh...a very long one about how i should not waste my time on FB, etc. etc. and how I should study few hours a day... etc. etc... Actually, now that I think of it, he sounded like my brother. "STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!!!! FUTURE, FUTURE, BRIGHT FUTURE!!!"... Sounded more like, "FARM!! FARM!! FARM!! KILL!! KILL!! KILL!! FIRST BLOOD...OWNING!!!!" to me... sigh~~~

              the point is NO MORE FB FOR ME!!!!!!


              The next challenge is HOW DO I FORCE MYSELF TO LIKE STUDYING???

              Wouldn't it be better if we were to be taught and have exams the moment after the class is over. Like, 12 hours Financial Accounting, the 13th hour, exams straight! So, what you can absorb is your result! NO STUDYING!!!

              Or have common sense as one of the subjects... I have friends who is like...

              STUDIES - 100%

              Common sense - none

              sigh~ the world is unfair...

              Wednesday, September 23, 2009

              PISSED!! PEED!! SH*TTED!!

              Yesterday, I went down to the beach with my primary/high school friends. I have been busy buying, preparing stuffs in anticipation. I have not met them for the past two years or more. And dumb questions kept coming up... "Do you need charcoal for barbeque?", "Huh? You need paper plates?", "Where can I buy ice?"...etc etc.

              When LoveHeart and me reached there, we were introduced to...I dunno?... uncivilised homo sapien??... Their expression and attitude... "FRIENDLY"... i tell you...like we owed them money...and seriously, I do not want to owe them money...

              Okay... then, we rent the stoves for 50bucks.

              Friends came. Laughed. Chatted. Awesome. Except... for that group... they were in their own "civilisation".

              At the end of the day, we need to fork out a fair share of money spent on this, right?

              Firstly, this group of "civilised" homo sapiens,(in short, homo), went two/three tables away to discuss the costs of the food and rent, etc etc. For what? Fishy right?

              Then, they said the costs were 240bucks... 240bucks???!!! Me and LoveHeart did not even have a bite on their wings of gold!

              Rent - 50
              30pcs golden wings - 30
              4 bottles of gold water - 16
              50 "batang" golden sausage - 20
              2 packet crap sticks - 10
              paper plates, fork, spoon, cups, etc - 20
              gold ices -20
              butter & honey - 20
              charcoal, lighter, starter, etc - 54
              TOTAL -240

              I estimated these figures because i'm not sure where they bought those expensive golden food. Maybe I did leave out some because WE DID NOT GET TO EAT IT.

              urm...helloh?? 17 bucks per person for few "batang" of sausages??? ARE YOUR SAUSAGES FROM GERMANY???!!! Is it even reasonable...??

              And this is not even the point... they don't have receipt, and oh,oh, I really think their food is made of gold.

              It like we were paying to FEED THEM. wth???!!!

              If you want to catch some "water fish"... Fish elsewhere...
              I am not pissed because of the "very reasonable" amount, I am pissed because HOMOs thought we're idiots...

              I'm just pissed to continue. Whatever. I've already paid. Yeah...no more barbeque...EVER!!
              *or at least, not with the HOMOs*



              Today I went for lunch with LoveHeart and she was still pissed. I actually chilled after talking to Max. I just thought that since we had already paid, then there's nothing to be pissed about. It is just kind of pissed to be treated as a "water fish". AND I REPEAT, IT"S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY, ok???!!!

              Who likes to be treated as a "water fish"? No one, right?(Unless you're damned rich and you've got no life)

              Anyway, the middle guy who was a mutual friend between us and the homos actually re-calculated the costs. Actually he wanted to make sure and have an explanation for us. Well, well... what do you know?
              IT WAS ACTUALLY 140 BUCKS!!

              anyway...at least he apologized and admitted he was wrong... so yeah...I am letting it pass...

              I am not so sure about LoveHeart though... hmm... but i guess in time, she will let it pass too...

              DON'T TAKE US FOR FOOLS, OKAYYYY???!!!

              Wednesday, September 16, 2009

              WOW!!! WoW!! World Of Warcraft!!

              From what I understand, this guy played World Warcraft up til Level 200. Which approximately $700 bucks was spent...And then, his mum deleted his WoW membership account. Which made him go MAD. And I mean MAD!!! He wanted to leave home and never come back, he wanted to kill people. But... it's hilarious!

              Thursday, September 10, 2009

              Have you watched these?

              Jinnai Tomonori is a comedian...And he was the one in "5mins to prepare,eat and get ready for work"

              Monday, August 31, 2009

              Cheating husbands loses their d***

              Recently, I have been bored to tears. So, I have been surfing the net, reading articles, etc. etc.

              Well, well...What have I found? It is true that HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED. Don't play play.

              Virginia : A woman had her husband bear the sign "I cheated this is my punishment" on a busy road.

              Wisconsin : Woman super-glued her husband's d*** to his stomach.

              New York : Woman pours boiling water on her husband's d***.

              And the most popular case, Lorena Bobbitt who cut off her husband's...well, you get my point.

              Well, here's ANOTHER 10 WAYS to torture these cheaters... *evil grin*

              1. Super-glue his **** with his nuts(like a chunk) to his butt...that way, he won't be able to sit or lie down...comfortably...

              2. Have him vasectomized.

              3. Have him sodomized.

              4. Put him on a fish tank filled with pirahnas with only his **** in the water.

              5. Spread honey on his **** and throw in a bee hive filled with bees.

              6. Rub the hottest chilli on his ****.

              7. Feed him with 25 viagra pills, tie him up and lock him in an empty room.

              8. Feed him nothing else but viagra for the whole week.

              9. I can't think of anything else, so cut his ****.

              10.Cut his **** in few pieces.

              And finally... leave him... it ain't worth no piece of shyt.

              Monday, August 24, 2009

              Alert : Don't piss your pants while watching!

              My friend,J introduced this to me a few years ago when I stayed in her home. Nonetheless, it is still so muthaf funny.

              Thursday, August 20, 2009

              Recently...everything sucked...

              I do not know what to post on my blog. I wish I had happy things to post, but I don't because everything pisses the heck out of me. Just this week, when I was returning home from class, I had to sit beside this idiotic bimbo. I was pissed because she was damned exaggerating. I know everyone must be very cautious as there is this Influenza A H1N1 going around. But I tell you, she was damned freaking "kua cheong" ,okay! She used her jacket to cover her nose(maybe she was too poor to get a mask,or a mask might be too ugly for her bimbo-tic face), and stick to the freaking window and looked at me like I was the mother of all muthaf influenza and had to give me her freaking bimbo look so that I would not infect her. Next time take a cab la! Sei kua cheong fan po... KANASAI!
              Oh, but when we reach the toll(the bus would still need to travel another 15minutes to reach the bus terminal), she removed her jacket from her blooddie face and took off her jacket. My H1N1 power can not attack within that 15 minutes meh???!!! Stupid bimbo!!

              Then, today, I met a Bamboo (guy bimbo - but he was fugly). I was waiting in the car because my sister had to bring her baby to the clinic and there weren't any parking around. Then, this freaking Bamboo was directly facing me(exactly 90 degrees perpendicular to the car). And he honked. OK. Never mind. And he HONKED! AND HONKED! AND HONKED! wtf... In the end, I had to move the car(like 0.001 kilometres to the front). And the best part... HE WAS RIDING A FREAKING MOTORCYCLE!!! Blooddie Bamboo!! Why I always bump into idiots???!!! I am already emo, still want to piss me off!

              I don't know what is wrong with me lately. It is torturing enough that he has to be 253km away and only meets him once a month (if I'm lucky). And then, he hangs out with his friends leaving me to wait for him to video call me. And then on the phone, I can hear girls giggling at the back. I don't doubt him but my self-esteem has been an all time low level because of this. I feel upset and moody all the time. I don't have the mood to go out or do anything. Just sit in front of the computer waiting for him to be free. Heck! I even have only 1 meal per day. I can't even have a proper sleep. It sucks.

              Thursday, August 6, 2009

              Bright future...

              Seriously, I read this in my mail 4 years ago... And it never fails to amuse me every time...

              (click to enlarge)

              I copied this from an online forum though.

              Sunday, August 2, 2009

              It sucks!

              Barely a year and 8 months...
              But I understood him so much...
              He could have taken his lunch two hours ago, and said he was full...
              But I knew better, and prepared him another meal instead...
              He would get so hungry easily...
              I understood him so much that even if he said, "No, I'm fine. I am not angry at all."
              It would only meant that he is not fine, and he wants me to reassure him...

              I love him so so so much!

              I sent him to the train station just now...
              His family was there...
              As every minute passed by, I felt my heart beat faster...
              Not in anticipation but in panic...
              He was going to leave me...

              I watched as he took a step away from me...
              I felt my heart ache...
              I was trying to hold back my tears the whole time...
              I was choking as I tried my best to hide my teary eyes...
              I said goodbye... walked... and never looked back...

              It sucks!
              (even though he kept telling me he'll be back within two weeks for 3days)

              I miss him already! T.T

              Monday, July 27, 2009

              My-Bl**dy-Own Cinema

              I went for "Hairy Butty and the Half Bird Prince" last week in X cinema. Well, it is the only luxurious cinema in my undeveloped village. It has shiny floors and sparkly floors. And it is not as crowded as T cinema. So I don't have to worry about getting pig coughs or flu. But then...
              the woman at the soda & popcorn counter has an attitude.

              Max : Iced Lemon Tea, please...
              Woman : nah! *puts a bottle of lemon tea on the counter*
              Max : You only have bottled iced lemon tea...??
              Woman : yah!
              Max : Then, I'd like a 100 plus, please...
              Woman : *roll eyes*

              this kind of people working in the service industry... there's only one word to describe...

              And the worst part is the seat... - rubbish-
              don't believe?
              see......!!! (but at least they have a little manners)

              can't believe I paid (actually Max paid) 9 bucks per person for this kind of seat!
              #abcde@*@edcba#!!!! XD

              Monday, July 13, 2009

              ACC-ZOMFG class 10-2?

              I posted about my lecturer who was from India awhile ago, he was actually from Nepal (found out recently).
              Apparently, his accent was not the only problem, he has troubles with figures too... sigh~

              This is what I learned the second day of his class...

              this was what he wrote

              this is what it meant

              and then...
              he told us that in Nepal, nodding your head would mean no, shaking your head from left to right would mean yes, so, the answer is yes or no? and all of us were like...

              Last but not least...
              Mr.X : So, how many correct answers are there? TWO right?
              (and show this...)

              yeah...it's tough concentrating in his class... sigh~~

              Sunday, July 5, 2009

              My Baby Wynnie...

              These two days were the worst days of my life. Around 5pm on saturday (04/06/09) dad called me saying Wynnie did not move when he called her. Then we brought her to the veterinary. I cried my eyes out on the way there. She was complaining and in such a pain. But she held on. I love her so much... The vet told me, she was having birth complications. And he had to perform a caesarean immediately. I was standing outside the room waiting and waiting until the operation was over. My heart ached so badly. She was just like my own baby. AND she still is.

              But the next morning, the doctor called and she did not make it. I was crying and crying for hours. Until Max brought her body home, I cried like mad and my eyes swell that it was difficult for me to open my eyes. I really love her. She was not just a dog. She's my baby. I should have brought her home after the operation, but i just thought she would be in better care in the clinic. I hate myself for not bringing her home. She probably thought I did not want her anymore. I would always want her, would always love her. Feel like something is stuck in my throat while holding back the tears when I am writing this. We buried her behind my house. Kept hoping in someway, she can come back to me. Just hope that if there is any mystical or magical creature who can hear my pleas, please bring her back to me. My Wynnie...............

              Wynnie enjoying the air-con from the slit of the door

              Wynnie loves the Ogawa

              Friday, July 3, 2009

              ACCA class 101

              My lecturer was from India. And this is his first class. He has this thick Indian accent which was so difficult for me to understand, because I can't speak Tamil or Hindi. So, it was tough to concentrate. So here goes a little summary of my first day in class.

              Mr. X : God mourning, class. Todai we start the acconting class.
              Wad dis acconting? In da 13th sentoory, it wus called "a conter". It means to con. So,
              acconting means to con.
              Translation: Good morning class. Today we start the accounting class.
              What is accounting? In the 13th century, it was called "a counter". It means to count.
              So, accounting means to count.

              Mr. X : Wad dis cost acconting? It's maney inveasted in gods or sarvices. Like whan you pay for
              da ood to maak a parnitor...
              Translation:What is cost accounting? It's money invested in goods or services. Like when you pay for the wood to make furniture...

              African-American student : .........................
              Translation: Sir, I do not understand you. Can you please jot it down?

              It was like that for THREE hours!!! Omg!!!

              And the lecturer could not pronounce the letter "F" and he goes like, " So, da answer is pixed(fixed) cost, correct? "

              Since he can't pronounce the letter "F", so, I guess when he has to scold people, it'll be...

              PUCK YOU PEOPLE!!!

              Tuesday, June 30, 2009

              My Little Maltese-lorh... sighhhh~

              Wynnie always looks at me like ths whenever I am about to leave the house (pityful doggie eyes)

              Yesterday I bought about 40 bucks doggie stuffs because my maltese (Wynnie) got so many "kutu"s... OMG! Even after I brought her to the vet twice for the tick injection, it came back! Those little evil piece of shats just won't leave her alone. So, yesterday I went to the pet shop with my honey, but the shop looked so expensive. I didn't dare enter because I was afraid that a bottle of shampoo will cost about a hundred bucks. But my honey insisted we go look for the stuffs and go home, so I went in. I have never expected that a shop like this would ever exist in my "kampung-y" town... There are dog perfumes too! Dogs these days live a luxurious life, i tell you... And the price was cheaper than the pet shop near my place (the pet shop was dirty and shabby and smells like poop!).

              The time I got home was the time to get busy. My honey cut off her fur (she looked so sad to lose her fur) and sprayed the tick medicine on her. After an hour, those evil "kutu"s started dropping off... OMG!!So freaking disguisting, feel so "geli"... I wonder why they exist, they have NO purpose at all!!!! I had to use the cellophane tape to catch those disguisthing little piece of shat... So so soooooooo many of them... After I cellophane them... HEHEHEHE!! (evil laughter) I use a roller to squish them and there were lots of popping sound... I even had goosebumps while catching those things. Yuck!!
              I can see the results today, the amount of "kutu" on Wynnie is like 0.01%, so I put the tick collar on her, and she is happier today... So cute...
              Oh,ya...my honey cut her hair so uneven and short that she looked so cute...

              Sunday, June 28, 2009

              Darn! Life is good!

              Recently, I realized that I am very lucky. My sister who was married 10years ago and has 3 children now, yet, I am her baby sister. Just the other day when we were having our dinner, she took a piece of fish, scraped off the skin and pick bones out( I hate fish skin and always choke on fish bones... I wonder why...). And there's my brother who always pushes me to the limit, hoping I will do better in everything he does. He offered me his company car and he himself would take that piece of junk ( It is a "wira" and it has been overhauled, but now it moves slower than walking - I have been overtaken by two fatsos on a motorcycle driving that piece of rusted metal!!!!! #%@%&%#%@#!!!!). Yarh, khor! I know I am lucky to have a car, I am not complaining either... Anyway, I have my whole family treating me like a baby until now. My dad even feeds me until now. And mum buys me anything and everything I want that she could afford. Wow... life is good... (^^,)

              And then there's this special person who treats me so so so good that he would swallow his pride and withstand my nonsensical nonsense... My boyfriend of 2 years ( Well, almost 2 years). I wonder what would I do if I do not have him. Whenever he comes to my house, he would wash and hang my clothes, wash my overnight dishes and cooks for me (although me always burn those crabsticks). He of most people I love, treats me like a baby the most. Yeah... I have a good life... Muahahahaha!!!